Live Information Stream
Amnesty International has named Bopha a prisoner of conscience and Amnesty supporters from around the world are campaigning to free her. You can see their global call for release here.
Tomorrow: Bopha's final appeal
Join us tomorrow as Bopha's supporters prepare to gather outside the Supreme Court. We will bring you live updates from inside the courtroom throughout her hearing, as well as from the crowds outside.

Boeung Kak Lake community prepares to leave for the Supreme Court where about 25 monks, other grassroots communities, NGO observers, embassy representatives and media are beginning to gather to support Bopha.
Meanwhile, authorities are also preparing for the hearing. About 30 anti-riot police are mobilising outside Wat Botum, near the Supreme Court, and 10 administrative police are waiting outside the Supreme Court itself.
Updated at 07:47 ICT
Phnom-Penh based journalist Robert Carmichael is with the supporters outside the Supreme Court, and notes the optimism of the crowd.
At Yorm Bopha hearing at Supreme Court. Expectations are high that she will be released. A snap of some supporters.
— Robert Carmichael (@Carmichael_Rob) November 22, 2013

With Bopha at the court and her hearing starting any minute now, the crowd outside the court and observers inside continue to grow.
Outside the court:
- About 30 monks
- Boeung Kak Lake, Borei Keila and Thmor Kol communities
- Association of Democracy
- NGO observers
- National and international media.
Inside the court:
- Representatives of the EU, US, Australian, German and Swedish embassies
- National and international NGOs, including Amnesty International, Forum Syd, LICADHO, ADHOC, CCHR, HRTF
- National and international media
- Law students.
Updated at 08:59 ICT

Bopha's supporters, with dramatically painted faces, wave lotus flowers as they wait for the hearing to begin.
Bopha's case has drawn national and international media attention, as noted by journalist Robert Carmichael and Cambodia Daily editor-in-chief Kevin Doyle.
Yorm Bopha's jailing seen as punishment for activism RT "@Carmichael_Rob: Plenty of media interest in Bopha's case.”
— Kevin Doyle (@doyle_kevin) November 22, 2013
The prosecutor and five judges have arrived in the courtroom, but will hear another case before Bopha's.
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As situations unfold, we will provide on-the-ground updates from our field monitors and reliable sources, such as journalists and civil society partners.