Live Information Stream
Welcome to LICADHO Live Stream
On the eve of the second Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) days-long rally calling for an investigation into election irregularities, we are launching a new information sharing platform: the LICADHO Live Stream.
The Live Stream, accessible via, is going on air now and will offer updates as-they-happen throughout the duration of the CNRP rally. The updates consist of first-hand reporting gathered by our LICADHO field teams as well as filtered information from reliable sources - such as journalists and NGO partners.
This service is meant to offer a trusted data hub for people wanting to keep in touch with the unfolding rally.
MoI letter to Phnom Penh Municipality on CNRP protest
In a Ministry of Interior (MoI) posting on its website yesterday, the MoI announced the following:
- MoI permits CNRP to protest peacefully in Freedom Park from October 23-25, from 6:00 am-6:00 pm. There is no permission to stay at night in the Park or other areas.
- MoI permits a maximum of 10,000 people to assemble in the Park.
- It is CNRP’s responsibility to manage the protest responsibly for peaceful order, security, and protection of human life and private and public property.
- If CNRP wishes to send its petition to embassies or other institutions in advance, CNRP officials must cooperate with the Phnom Penh Municipality to limit the number of people in delivering the petitions.
More information can be found on the Ministry of Interior website.
US and Australian Embassies Issue Security Messages for their Citizens
The US embassy and Australian embassy have advised their citizens to exercise a high degree of caution around Phnom Penh during the planned demonstrations.
The U.S. Embassy encourages you to avoid large crowds and immediately leave any area where crowds are gathering. You should remain alert to local security developments by monitoring local news reports, be vigilant regarding your personal security and preparedness, be aware of your surroundings, and plan your activities accordingly.
Security checkpoints are up on national roads

So far, LICADHO monitors can confirm that authorities are setting up security checkpoints in the following areas:
- National Road #1 at Wat Chompa, Khnal Kos commune, Kean Svay district, Kandal province
- National Road #2 at Takhmao town, Kandal province
- National Road #3 at Wat Sleng, Protralang commune, Dangkaor district, Phnom Penh
- National Road #4 in Bek Chan commune, Ang Snoul district, Kandal province
- National Road #5 at Wat Tep Raingsey in Ponhea Lu district, Kandal province
- National Road #6 in Ba Keang commune, Russei Keo district, Phnom Penh
At the moment, cars are being checked at some security points, but none have been blocked.
CNRP leader Sam Rainsy announces press conference tomorrow 9 am.
Elected CNRP MP Yim Sovann of Phnom Penh reveals CNRP three-day schedule.

Freedom Park's main stage is fully constructed and new projector screens installed for viewing by the mass crowds tomorrow.
Tonight, an estimated 200 eager CNRP supporters have gathered in the Park. The CNRP supporters, many of which are families with women, children, and elderly relatives, traveled to Phnom Penh from Kandal, Prey Veng, Kampong Cham, Kampong Speu, Svay Rieng, and Battambang. Many will stay in the park -- some sleeping on mats while family members stay awake to keep guard. Others will return to guesthouses or homes in Phnom Penh for the night.
Day 1 Opens to Unobstructed City Roads
LICADHO field teams report an absence of barbwire-fenced road blocks on main arteries of the city. Such road block had been the cause of repeated instances of violence during the first mass protest on September 15-17.
Magnum photojournalist John Vink has the same observation:
Sisowath free, Norodom free. Sihanouk free. No police blocks.
— John Vink (@vinkjohn) October 22, 2013
First day begins with prayer and song

Day 1 begins with approximately 500 people gathered at Freedom Park. People woke up to singing and music and began the morning with a religious ceremony. The CNRP security team reminded people to exercise caution, remain peaceful, and report any suspicious activity.
The highlights of today's schedule include a 9:00 am press conference at CNRP's head office at Chak Angre Leu commune, Meanchey district, and the 3:00 pm petition delivery walk from Freedom Park to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Provincial CNRP Rally Points
This morning, CNRP supporters have been gathering in three provinces at the following rally points to organize their drive into the capital.
- Kampong Speu: Phsar Thnal Tateang on National Road #4
- Kampong Chhnang: Phsar Trach on National Road #5
- Kampong Cham: Thnal Kaeng area on National Road #6
Journalists cover the start of Day 1
Reuters journalist Prak Chan Thul tweets the lack of roadblocks:
Trucks of #CNRP supporters fill into the city, I have not seen any roadblocks with barbed wire so far today, surprised!
— Chan Thul Prak (@prakchanthul) October 23, 2013
The Cambodia Daily Editor-in-Chief Kevin Doyle notes the build-up of supporters:
Trucks carrying opposition supporters pour in to Phnom Penh's 'Freedom Park' - park filling quickly and surrounding Wat Phnom area.
— Kevin Doyle (@doyle_kevin) October 23, 2013
Magnum photojournalist John Vink shows journalists at the ready for the CNRP press conference:
Waiting for Sam Raisy press conference to start 4 minutes from now.
— John Vink (@vinkjohn) October 23, 2013
Welcome to our hub for live coverage of significant political and human rights moments in Cambodia.
As situations unfold, we will provide on-the-ground updates from our field monitors and reliable sources, such as journalists and civil society partners.